A more diverse and wild world
“Not caring about the biodiversity is like not caring that you are sawing off the branch of the tree you are standing on” – Paul Ehrlich
Biological diversity – or biodiversity – is a term used to describe the variety of life on Earth. It refers to the wide variety of ecosystems and living organisms: animals, plants, their habitats and their genes. This diversity of species work together to create functional and habitable ecosystems.
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Biomimicry: designing according to nature’s principles
Biomimicry is the field of design that is informed and inspired by the innovative and elegantly simple ways in which life functions. Velcro, for instance, is based on the hooks and loops found on the burrs of the burdock plant.
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Plastic Free July: reducing our plastic waste
Unfortunately the longevity of plastics, one of the reasons it has become so widely used, is also the reason why it has become such an environmental catastrophe...
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The good life
Live simply so that others may simply live – Ghandi
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Zero Waste Living
Nothing in the natural world is wasted. Instead the output from one system goes on to feed another system...
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Food: the stuff of life and one of its greatest pleasures
The foods we eat say a lot about a culture. These days Westerners are quite disconnected from the process of acquiring food, be it growing, hunting or gathering, and even for some people preparing a meal...
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