Is your life too plastic?

Join the Adelaide Sustainability Centre as we take part in Plastic Free July.

Avoid landfill.

Reduce your eco-footprint.

Protect the ocean from plastic pollution.

Why Plastic Free July?

Did you know scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans? Most comes from the land and was once in our hands. By preventing the problem in the first place, we can begin to make a real impact on reducing plastic pollution.

Source: United Nations Association San Diego Chapter, Ocean Literacy

About half of all plastic produced is for single-use or disposable items such as packaging. The plastic bottles, bags and takeaway containers that we use just for a few minutes use a material that is designed to last forever.

These plastics:

  • break up, not break down – becoming permanent pollution
  • have low rates of recycling (only 9% of all plastics ever made have been recycled) and are mostly downcycled (made into low grade product for just one more use) or sent to landfill
  • ‘escape’ from bins, trucks, events etc. to become ‘accidental litter’
  • end up in waterways and the ocean – where scientists predict there will be more tonnes of plastic than tonnes of fish by 2050
  • transfer to the food chain – carrying pollutants with them
  • increase our eco-footprint – plastic manufacturing consumes 6% of the world’s fossil fuels1

Source: Boomerang Alliance

Be part of the solution – Sign up to Plastic Free July 

If you’re new to the Plastic Free July, start with just one or two items and go from there rather than trying to do everything at once! Choose to refuse single-use plastic this July by bringing your own reusable shopping bags, remembering reusable coffee cups and water bottles, and avoiding pre-packaged fruit and vegetables you can help make a difference. If you’ve already mastered these changes, why not try going completely plastic free (finding alternatives to everything) for a day, week, month or more?

Check out the Plastic Free July Action Picker for ideas of simple changes that you can make.

Sign-up for the Plastic Free July challenge at to  receive support during the month and you won’t be alone. You’ll be joining over 2 million people from 150 countries in making a difference. Avoid landfill, reduce your eco-footprint and protect the ocean from plastic pollution.


Want to make a greater impact?  

Million Acts of Blue: A Toolkit for a Plastic Free Future

Developed by Greenpeace this toolkit has 7 actions that call on people around the world to create actions to push retailers, corporations and businesses to reduce single-use plastic.

Product Stewardship Act Review

The federal government is currently reviewing its Product Stewardship Act and is inviting public comment until 29 June. This is a chance to have your say in legislation relating to ‘ impacts of different products and materials. It acknowledges that those involved in producing, selling, using and disposing of products have a shared responsibility to ensure those products or materials are managed in a way that reduces their impact, throughout their lifecycle, on the environment and on human health and safety’.

Plastic Free July at the Adelaide Sustainability Centre

Throughout the month we’ll be providing tips and tricks, thought-provoking discussions and hands-on workshops on living a life less plastic. A full list of activities is on our Workshops & Events page.




1 Plastic Free July

Plastic Detox Map from Learning Fundamentals

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